The Fire Department uses the PS241 gas sensor to determine if a situation is safe.
The PS200 series are developed for the industry and specialised in measuring explosive gas and other dangerous situations like a lack of oxygen or an increased level of CO2 for example.

When the Fire Department is asked to determine the level of safety in an environment, caused by complaints as a result of exposure to a high level of pesticides, the Fire Department can use a sensor like this one. The question is if there is a better way to measure the exposure of high levels of pesticides. 

The PS200 series is sold by the company Teledyne.
Teledyne has 15000 employees, founded in 1960, 5.6B turnover, 1B profit before tax. Teledyne operated worldwide and acquired many companies like FLIR, LeCroy. Activities in military, medical and industry field.

The company Promat produces the portable gas sensor for Teledyne. This PS200 series device ( PS241 ) is purchased and used by the at least one of the Dutch Fire departments, probably standardised by the Fire Departments.

The PS200 series device has 3 sensors:

  • LEL
  • O2
  • CO/H2S

Snapshot specification in Dutch 

Dutch Brochure

English Brochure

PS200 Series technical details

GMI-Gas Detector PS241 explanation video

PS200 series measurement and calibration procedure video